

Illustration of Digestion
Illustration of woman and stomach

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for gastroenterology and hepatology?

Since its inception in 1953, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校Vatche和Tamar Manoukian消化疾病皇冠hga025已被公认为世界上最重要的临床和研究机构之一.

We provide care for both common and rare digestive system diseases and conditions. When you choose our team, you benefit from:

  • Multidisciplinary approach: 我们熟练的从业人员使用多学科的方法来制定定制的护理计划,以最适合个性化的患者需求. We also provide a variety of programs that offer specialized, niche care.
  • 整体护理: Beyond our medical expertise, we provide patients with a holistic approach by collaborating with GI dietitians, integrative health nurse practitioners and GI health psychologists.
  • Access to clinical trials and research: We have the resources of a major medical center and teaching hospital behind us. 研究实验室的科学家与我们的医生密切合作,带来新的和改进的诊断方法, treatments and prevention strategies to you.
  • Training and teaching: We train the future leaders in academic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校是全国最大的胃肠道奖学金项目之一,并培养了许多全球顶尖的临床和研究胃肠病学家.


我们在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的梅尔文和布伦西蒙消化疾病中心提供胃肠道疾病服务. 我们提供一系列解决消化问题和胃肠道营养问题的方案,包括:  

Celiac Disease Program: 我们的专家提供准确的诊断和医疗管理,包括个性化的营养和健康计划,以优化您的健康和生活质量. 我们采用团队合作的方式来治疗乳糜泻和其他谷蛋白相关疾病的患者. We work closely with subspecialists such as dermatology, 内分泌学, neurology and rheumatology to address conditions that are associated with celiac disease.

Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD): At the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, we understand that IBD, including Crohn’s disease and 溃疡ative 结肠炎, can cause significant, unpredictable disruptions to your life. We use a comprehensive treatment approach with 药物, diet changes and stress management and collaborate with colorectal 外科医生, 肝脏病学家, registered dietitians and more.

肥胖中心 and METabolic Health (COMET): COMET是美国为数不多的积极研究如何战胜肥胖流行病的中心之一. Our goal is to better understand obesity and metabolic syndrome, as well as find new treatment approaches. 我们的专家提供全面的手术和非手术治疗,包括药物减肥, 教育, 咨询, bariatric surgery and endoscopic treatments for obesity.

Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Clinic: FMF是一种遗传性疾病,其特征是零星发作的发热和剧烈疼痛,并伴有身体所有内部和表面的炎症. FMF诊所成立于20世纪60年代初,其多学科专家团队包括胃肠病学家, 医学遗传学家, 风湿病专家, 神经科医生和免疫学家,作为美国同类项目的唯一项目,已经成为国内和国际资源.

General gastroenterology: Millions suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms. Through the Melvin and Bren Simon 消化系统疾病 Center at UCLA, 我们的执照, highly trained experts use proven clinical data, advanced technology and minimally invasive procedures to offer expert evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.

GI Motility Program: Motility disorders can affect any part of the GI tract, making it difficult for food to move through the body. 这些疾病的症状包括吞咽困难或感觉食物卡在喉咙或胸部. They can also cause 恶心想吐, 呕吐, cramping, 便秘 and 腹泻. We offer a variety of treatments and therapies including 药物, 生物反馈, nutritional guidance, relaxation techniques, minimally invasive endoscopic procedures and surgery.

GI Nutrition Program: Food is more than just fuel. It is also about enjoyment, social connection and culture. When you receive a digestive disorder diagnosis, you may feel anxious or worried about limited food options. 我们专业的胃肠道营养师将根据您的症状和诊断创建个性化的饮食和补充建议. Our team also understands the role environmental factors, 情绪, 睡眠和压力对消化系统的健康起着作用,采取整体的方法,通过将生活方式策略纳入你的营养保健计划,鼓励更好的症状管理.

肝脏病学项目: 我们的肝脏学和移植肝脏学专家照顾患有各种肝脏疾病的成年人,是弗莱格肝脏研究所和亚洲肝脏中心的重要组成部分. 我们与多学科团队合作,诊断和治疗常见和罕见的肝脏疾病. 我们的专家团队 utilizes a customized care plan that may include diet and lifestyle support, 药物, minimally invasive techniques, liver transplant or surgery.

肠易激综合症 and other disorders of the gut-brain interaction: 我们在诊断和治疗肠脑相互作用疾病方面是全国公认的领导者. In addition to the latest clinical treatments, 我们与综合消化健康和健康计划合作,提供营养指导, behavioral therapy and stress management techniques that can improve GI symptoms. This holistic approach benefits patients with chronic disorders such as 恶心想吐, 腹胀, 腹部疼痛, cyclic 呕吐 syndrome, 便秘 and irritable bowel syndrome (肠易激综合症).

Integrative Digestive Health and 健康 Program: We take a holistic approach to your health and well-being. We use a range of dietary, 行为和综合健康实践,帮助患者管理胃肠道疾病. Through our comprehensive services, a team of gastroenterologists, GI nurse practitioners, 正念专家, registered GI dietitians and GI health psychologists care for you.

Interventional endoscopy: Interventional endoscopy is a branch of gastroenterology where specialists use a thin, 灵活的内窥镜用于诊断和治疗包括胆管在内的一系列胃肠道疾病, 结肠, 食管, 胆囊, gastric and pancreatic diseases. These state-of-the-art, minimally invasive procedures avoid external incisions and promote faster recovery times. 介入内窥镜医师也使用这些程序进行非手术治疗减肥和胃旁路手术后体重恢复的患者.

Pancreaticobiliary diseases: 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校Agi Hirschberg胰腺疾病中心密切合作,治疗胰胆管疾病(影响胰腺的疾病)患者, gall bladder or bile ducts.) In particular, we have a national reputation for excellence in treating pancreatic cancer. 我们使用最新的技术和微创手术,为患者提供黄金标准的护理.

罗伯特·G. Kardashian Center for Esophageal Health: 来自世界各地的患者来我中心诊断和治疗食道疾病, including rare and complex conditions. 我们采用以患者为中心的方法,结合包括胃肠病学家在内的多个专家之间的合作, 外科医生, 肿瘤学家, radiation 肿瘤学家, radiologists and pathologists. Beyond medical management, our team also draws on the expertise of registered GI dietitians, GI health psychologists, integrative health practitioners and speech pathologists.


The spectrum of gastrointestinal and liver disorders is vast. At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, our specialists can help you manage your symptoms and treat these illnesses. Some of the most common include:

  • General GI disorders: Abdominal pain, 腹胀, Clostridium difficile (C. diff), 便秘, 腹泻, 呕吐, 恶心想吐, irritable bowel syndrome (肠易激综合症), 痔疮, 溃疡, 结肠炎, 胃肠道出血, 肠阻塞, 憩室炎, 乳糖不耐受, 结肠息肉, cyclic 呕吐 syndrome
  • Celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders: Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, microscopic 结肠炎, 疱疹样皮炎,桥本甲状腺炎,格雷夫斯病,谷蛋白神经病,谷蛋白共济失调
  • Esophageal and motility disorders: GERD, 胃酸倒流, 失弛缓性, 打嗝, 巴雷特食管, difficulty swallowing, 食道癌, eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), 大便失禁, 胃轻瘫, 食管裂孔疝, Jackhammer esophagus, laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): Crohn’s disease, 溃疡ative 结肠炎
  • 肝脏疾病: Hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, cholestatic liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, 自身免疫性肝炎, 肝纤维化, 威尔逊氏病, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), 肝癌
  • Pancreatic disorders: 胆结石, 胰腺炎, bile duct disorders, pancreatic cyst

Diagnostic tests and procedures we offer

我们的团队使用诊断测试和程序来诊断和治疗各种胃肠道和肝脏疾病. These can range from invasive to non-invasive, simple to more complex. Some of the most common include:

General GI and liver disorders

  • 结肠镜检查: 这是对大肠(结肠)和直肠的检查,检查是否有异常或变化,如肠内膜的生长(息肉)。. It helps physicians detect and remove 结肠 and rectal polyps before they become cancer.   
  • Fecal immunochemical test (FIT): 这种结肠直肠癌筛查是对粪便样本进行肉眼不可见的血液检测. The FIT test can be done in your own home and does not require a bowel prep beforehand. It must be completed annually to be effective.
  • Fecal microbial transplant (FMT): FMT is an alternative treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile (C. diff) 感染. C. diff is a germ that causes severe 结肠炎 and 腹泻. Patients who have repeat 感染 often struggle to find a treatment that works. FMT是一种新的创新方法,将健康捐赠者的粪便放入患者的胃肠道.
  • FibroScan®: Using transient elastography, which is non-invasive and similar to ultrasound, this testing helps diagnose fibrosis (scar tissue on the liver) and fatty liver disease. It also allows us to evaluate the liver and determine the extent of damage.
  • 乙状结肠镜检查: 该检查是对直肠和大肠下部(乙状结肠)的检查。. It helps your provider check for polyps, 溃疡s or other irregular cells.  
  • 上消化道内镜检查: This procedure evaluates the stomach, esophagus and the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). We may use this test to diagnose the cause of 腹部疼痛, difficulty swallowing or gastrointestinal bleeding.  

GI motility disorders

We use the latest, most advanced technology to detect and diagnose motility disorders. 测试包括: 

  • Anorectal and 食管 manometry: This test evaluates the nerves in your rectum and anal sphincters. We might use it to diagnose causes of 便秘, incontinence or intestinal blockages.
  • Anorectal 生物反馈
  • pH testing including wireless (Bravo™) and wire-based

Advanced endoscopic procedures

  • Capsule endoscopy (PillCam™)
  • Cholangioscopy
  • Chromoendoscopy
  • Colon polyp and cancer removal
  • 冷冻疗法
  • Dilation of strictures
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  • Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
  • Enteral/intestinal stenting
  • 小肠镜
  • Gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM)
  • Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
  • 石头移除
  • Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF)


Our GI and liver specialists are national and international leaders in clinical care, research and 教育. We consistently rank top in the nation for GI and GI surgery services.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a gastroenterologist or liver specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


The UCLA digestive diseases team cares for routine and complex gastrointestinal problems. To learn more about our services, call 310-825-2631.